
How to Eat When Life Gets in the Way

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How to Eat When Life Gets in the Way is not your typical ‘diet book’. The author, Judy Weitzman, believes everyone knows how to lose weight. No matter what weight loss program you follow – whether you’re counting calories, carbs, or points – this book will give you strategies to make your weight loss journey easier, and even enjoyable. What’s more, you can use Judy’s tips to maintain your weight for a lifetime – and without feeling deprived! It’s a mission that Judy relates to personally — she lost 50 pounds over 30 years ago and has maintained her weight ever since! Consider this book as your reference guide. You’ll learn how to avoid overeating, how to control portions, and which options are best when you’re eating in restaurants, at work, at home, when traveling, and at holiday meals and other special occasions. Whatever challenges you face, consider Judy your personal diet coach and use these strategies as your guide to a healthy diet and a thinner you. If you refer to this book frequently, you’ll learn exactly how to make the right eating decisions each day. The answers to your eating challenges are here in this book. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or avoid the yo-yo syndrome, read the book through, keep it nearby, and refer to it often. After all, getting and staying at a comfortable weight is easy – as long as you know “How to Eat, when life gets in the way!”


Judy book signing

Book signing at Lux Bar, Chicago